Leader Mission:
The mission of Malik Academy is to prepare students for future success by focusing on a love for and understanding of Islam. Malik Academy stresses the comprehensive nature of Islam by integrating it into all areas of academic development, social interaction, personal growth, positive values and moral behavior. Through this balanced focus, we hope to guide students to have a strong relationship with their Creator, healthy connection with all parts of the community, and keen minds and knowledge to excel in academic pursuits. We will also focus on multi-cultural acceptance and understanding so our children can proceed forward to represent Islam honorably within American society.
Year Founded
Youth Served
Human Excellence Awards
Hope Programs
The early school years play a unique role in the total growth and development of a child. Early childhood, elementary, and middle school programs are designed to help the children direct their energies to learning about and becoming aware of their environment and the larger world around them in a positive learning environment. If the atmosphere provided is Islamic, students will be conscious of their Islamic heritage and learn about their religion. An Islamic school program also provides the children with many opportunities to interact in positive and constructive ways. Our program strives to help students develop feelings of self-worth and adequacy about themselves, their families and their religion.
The Academy combines knowledge, practice and an enlightened approach to understanding Islam with exceptional educational practices and outstanding training in languages, mathematics, sciences, fine arts, social studies, and computer technology so our students can take their place in society as conscientious Muslims, following the sirat-ul-mustaqeem (Straight Path), while also aspiring to the highest goals in the eventual vocations they choose.
Since its founding in 2005, Malik Academy has continued to grow its academic, civic, and athletic programs, helping elevate students to their highest levels of achievement. Developing character strength has led our young men and women to serve others in Boston and across the country.
Hope Collaborative is a Massachusetts 501(c)(3) non profit organization with a mission to make outstanding leadership development a standard for kids and teens living in poverty. Our program is arts-integrated, student-driven and team-focused. We provide our partner sites–both school and after-school programs–with expert facilitators, curriculum, technology access and support they need to implement world-class programs.
Address: Hope Collaborative Office, 14 Clark Street, Belmont, Massachusetts, 02478
Email: Info@hopecollaborative.com | Call: 617-826-9703